FoxClan RP

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newPollBookmarkLockedFalling FoxClan RP
Foxstar 185 2,186 by Foxstar
Nov 3, 2013 2:13:40 GMT -6
newBookmarkLockedFalling FoxClan Destroyed Territory/Dreamtree Destroyed
Foxstar 0 170 by Foxstar
Aug 1, 2013 3:01:51 GMT -6
newBookmarkLockedFalling Inscription
☾ Moonstar ✰ 6 225 by Foxstar
Jul 26, 2013 16:14:27 GMT -6


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FoxClan RP
FoxClan is a clan of cats that live very far away from the lake, past the mountains, past the old forest, past the twoleg place. FoxClan was formed by Rouges and Kittypets who had become interested in Clan life, StarClan saw this, They picked a cat to become leader and taught the clan the warrior code. StarClan realized that the journey to the moonstone would take to much time for one of them to make, So they created a new place in which a medicine cat could go to speak to StarClan, as well as a leader gain his nine lives. They created the Dreamtree, a hollowed out tree that when a cat lays down in, they are pulled into StarClan territory. In time the cat that was chosen as leader received his nine lives, and got the second name of 'Star'

Original Idea of FoxStar
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Hi everyone !
couster: Also I would love to join this RP forum. I will have to warn you that I am new. Nov 28, 2017 21:54:02 GMT -6
couster: Hello, I'm looking for some fans of the Warriors series. Nov 27, 2017 19:42:18 GMT -6
moonstar: yup blackfrost, been inactive for so long TT_TT Aug 12, 2015 23:04:56 GMT -6
blackfrost: wow 2 yrs? Jun 5, 2015 13:26:12 GMT -6
Spammer: SPAM Oct 19, 2014 19:18:10 GMT -6
leopardfire: The forum is kind of dead because the Guests dont join, but I am site it will be active once a few join. Mar 1, 2014 18:41:28 GMT -6
Random: Is This Inactive? Feb 16, 2014 20:33:04 GMT -6
Random: Hey Feb 16, 2014 20:32:29 GMT -6
Foxstar: Inactive again... Nov 9, 2013 1:15:06 GMT -6
Foxstar: Hey Moonstar! Good to see you back. Nov 4, 2013 20:04:49 GMT -6
Moonstar: Yes please Leopardfire, sorry again for never being on and beingso inactive :( Nov 4, 2013 18:22:43 GMT -6
Foxstar: I don't know if we should or not, maybe you should ask moonstar if she gets on. Ive already contacted her through deviantart. Nov 3, 2013 9:45:29 GMT -6
leopardfire: So, I was wondering if I should advertise the forum. I know lots of forums that will allow it. :) Nov 3, 2013 9:15:18 GMT -6
Foxstar: Oh wow. Someone other than me actually was online. kinda shocking. Anyways, as of now. The forums will be revived! Nov 3, 2013 2:12:11 GMT -6 *
leopardfire: Yeah. :I Nov 2, 2013 15:57:10 GMT -6
Foxstar: We really need to start up the RPs again Oct 16, 2013 11:00:55 GMT -6
☾ Moonstar ✰: Aww why am I so inactive!!!!!!!!!!!! Oct 1, 2013 15:55:53 GMT -6
Foxstar: Lol, Its okay Sept 26, 2013 16:46:27 GMT -6
☾ Moonstar ✰: SOrry again for inactivity... aww Sept 24, 2013 14:44:34 GMT -6
Foxstar: We are so Inactive Sept 20, 2013 19:59:09 GMT -6
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